Sailor Moon Expanded presents Azurite in My Dinner With Ferrite by Mark Latus Crystal Tokyo - Summer of 2153 AD I told him seven and that passed half an hour ago. Traditionally it's the man who's on time and the woman who breezes in fashionably late. Still he was reluctant to agree in the first place. Maybe he's stood me up. Well, it's not as if this was a real date. But it would have been polite to call and cancel. I take another look around the empty restaurant and wonder if anyone else is dining here tonight. Probably not, "Renegades Haven" is probably the least popular restaurant in Crystal Tokyo. Making a reservation was a waste of time. I'm the first customer all evening. Maybe not, main reason I did that was to check that a certain furry nuisance wasn't dropping by. She brings some of clients here, the ones she doesn't like too much, so she can watch them struggle through the menu. She does drop by on her own fairly regularly but more for lunch as she tends to work nights. I really hope she doesn't show up tonight. I don't need the added aggravation. Noriko, the only waitress (not that this place needs more) is hovering nearby. She'd probably be over here chatting if she didn't know I was expecting someone. Instead she's alternating between watching the door and seeing if I need anything. She's happy to see one of her very few regulars. It makes a change from just sitting around the restaurant all night. Besides we're all good tippers. Working here isn't for anyone who enjoys crowds. Not that there's anything wrong with the food here. At least not in my opinion. Problem is very few people share that opinion. A restaurant specializing in Dark Kingdom cuisine was bound to have problems. For one thing you start with a very limited client base. There's only five of us left ... well technically there's six but only five of us eat. Which reminds me, whatever happened to Magnesite? Must ask Cal next time I see him. Maybe he donated the crystal to a museum or something. Wonder if they ever had him on exhibit here? I guess I've been coming here about 30 years now. Normally with Pyrite but tonight I'm supposed to be meeting someone tall, dark and handsome. I asked Pyr if he had any problems with that, guess I was hoping he'd be a bit jealous. He said if I could trust him all for all the late nights he's put in at the labs with Ami then he could trust me for tonight. It's good that he's got such confidence in me. But I can't help thinking I'd have enjoyed a little jealousy. Hmmm, wonder if he was trying to see if he could spark a bit himself? If so, Ami's a lousy choice. I know her well enough that I'd never suspect her of getting involved in an affair. She's the only one of the senshi the tabloids can never get any dirt on. Conventional wisdom is she either lives like a nun or she's very discrete. I happen to know it's the latter. Far as I know outside of the Palace and a few of us at CTU her marriage remains secret. They both prefer it that way. The Hunters like to appear completely independent of Crystal Tokyo. That's one of the reasons they aren't allowed to operate in Crystal Tokyo. The other is Mars heads Internal Security and doesn't want outsiders showing her how to protect her city. Besides she has little enough to do that she's not going to let anyone else steal her thunder. Which is fine by the Hunters. No place on Earth needs their services less than CT and it's a lot easier for them to operate if the other members of the Reunited Nations don't think Crystal Tokyo is running them from behind the scenes. Which (far as I know anyway) it isn't but that would be a whole lot harder to sell if it was public knowledge that Hunter Prime was married to a Senshi. My musing is interrupted as I sense something. Or rather someone. I pick him up just before the door swings open. Not difficult at this range despite the ambient magic of Crystal Tokyo as he's not trying to mask his aura any more than I am. Noriko does the standard welcome routine and asks to take his coat, an offer he refuses. So there he is, features a bit on the rugged side but still handsome. The odd gray hair but apart from that you'd say he's in his early thirties. Still in this city appearance is a very unreliable indicator of age and who knows that more than me? The fact he shows any signs of aging is a little surprising given the youthful appearance of the royal court. But according to Ti for some reason he was unable to gain immortality from the ginzuishou. I don't think she knew many of the details. I believe he's in his late fifties but I wouldn't swear to it. While he may not be immortal he ages a lot slower than the average human though faster than Cal's offspring. There's no sign of age in his stride. His clothing's a little odd. A black trenchcoat over a black tuxedo. As this is hardly a formal affair I can only guess he fell in love that combo back in his Trenchcoat Mask days. No sign of the mask he wore back then. Then again now his identity's a matter of record so there's nothing to hide. The same way Ti ditched hers when Sailor Polaris didn't need a secret identity anymore. Or perhaps he's just feeling a little nostalgic for the twentieth century. Still when it comes to nostalgia he's got no shortage of times to choose from. I should count myself lucky he didn't show up wearing plate armour or a homespun tunic. Noriko shows him over. "Dr. Azurite." His voice is a bit on the cool side. He doesn't sound particularly happy to be here. Damn. When I heard he was back in CT from whatever it is he does outside the city I asked Ti to arrange a meeting. She had a word with Serenity who had a word with Endymion. Who had a word with his spiritual, if no longer physical, cousin. Looks like he's here purely by royal order. Pity, I was hoping he'd at least be curious. "Please have a seat Mr. Ferrite." "Just Ferrite if you don't mind." "Only if you drop the doctor." "As you like." He seats himself and Noriko hands him a menu then inquires if he'd like anything from the bar. He's about to then hesitates and looks at my half empty glass. "If I might ask, what is that?" "Bloodwine. It's a variant of tharouve, one of our mushroom based wines. It's equally suited for both the human and youma palate." He hesitates a moment then mutters, "When in Rome ... I'll take a glass of that." "Make that a litre decanter, Noriko." She nods and heads for the bar. Ferrite glances at the menu and I sip some more of the green liquor. This is a 2104 vintage. It's all right but the terran grown 'shrooms never quite match the Kingdom variety. Somewhere in the kitchen is a climate controlled safe holding the last five bottles of the authentic blend. There were six until recently but we cracked one to celebrate Cal and Mina's remarriage. In retrospect I think we might have been a little hasty. Time will tell I guess. Noriko returns with the wine just as Ferrite looks up from the menu and asks, "Is this for real?" Noriko nods as she refills my glass. I imagine she's heard that a lot from people who just wander in here. "In that case I need a little more time to think about this." Noriko's probably heard that before many times. Although it's more likely that unprepared customers turn pale and bolt for the door. He's very controlled but I think I caught a glimmer of interest rather than revulsion. "I thought the cuisine's uniqueness appeal to you. I hear you've got a reputation as a gourmet." "Somewhat undeserved. It's more that over my varied lifetimes I've had the chance to try every culture's foods. As I can recall so much I keep comparing dishes to the versions I had a hundred, a thousand or two thousand years ago. People hear me and they think I'm an expert." "In a sense you are, you must already have tasted more things than anyone else ever has or ever will. Practice makes perfect." "Perhaps. But through most of post Silver Millennium history gourmet cooking wasn't a priority." After a moment he adds, "Nor was hygiene." Curious I ask, "Are there any dishes from before the fall that you miss and can't get these days." He laughs. "Hundreds. Every world had it's own unique plants and wildlife and, being ruled by humans, lots of ways to cook them." He sighs, "I would kill to be able to try Neptunian ghost squid again." "Given your ... circumstances unless they're extinct you'll get another chance someday. Eventually humanity will reclaim and repopulate the solar system." He scowls slightly. "That isn't going to happen anytime soon. Crystal Tokyo should be leading the way. Instead we just sit here trying to be a example to the rest of the world." I'd say I've just hit a major sore spot. But I like Serenity and this city so I say, "I believe her majesty's view is that humanity should be united and peaceful before we (he raises an eyebrow at the 'we') venture outwards. Or we'll simply repeat the mistakes of the past out there on the other worlds." He gives an amused snort. "Do you think Silver Millennium was a utopia? Every planet had their own agenda and Earth was far from united. Despite all that it worked. Serenity's plan is doomed from the start because she's fighting human nature." That's going a little too far. "Crystal Tokyo works." "I'll concede that. But it's special circumstances. Without Serenity, the ginzuishou and the Senshi this place would be as flawed as every other city." "Perhaps. But of all the cities I've seen I prefer Crystal Tokyo." He nods. "I'd heard you've done some travelling. Of course this is the only place in the world you and the other youma can hope to fit in." I bristle slightly but I'm not here to start a fight. A change of subject is called for. "Well even if CT doesn't lead the way humanity will reclaim the system. There's quite a few countries and a few megacorps talking about Mars colonization for a start. So someday they'll get out as far as Neptune and you'll get another chance to try ghost squid." After a moment I add, "And if it happens within the next 9000 and a bit years I'll have the chance to sample it myself." There's a sudden flare of panic that's gone almost instantly. "What did you say?" I guess it's the 9000 part he's asking about so I say, "I've got a potential lifespan of about 10,000 years and I haven't used up a fortieth of that yet. So I definitely expect to see the solar system recolonized in my lifetime." He looks a little dazed. He mutters, "I knew they aged slow but ..." He shakes off the confusion and asks casually, "Is that just you or does that apply to all the youma?" I don't much care for being lumped in with Margrave so I say, "That applies to Pyrite and myself. It may not apply to Calcite and Titanite." "Oh?" There's more than casual interest there. But why? Could he be interested in Ti and wondering how many of his incarnations she'll be around for? I don't know that he's really her type, a bit too intense. Rather like Calcite though he's mellowed a bit. Now that I think of it so have I. Anyway he's waiting for an answer. "They've got the same 10,000 year potential but Pyrite has this theory they may have gained true immortality. It all depends on how much exposure to Serenity and the ginzuishou it takes too ..." My voice trails off at the look on his face. Stricken, he definitely didn't want to hear this. He wanted me to tell him they had a shorter span. Why? He mutters, "10,000 years!" several times. Ferrite forces a grin and glances around the empty restaurant. "So this is authentic Dark Kingdom decor?" It's only after someone says something like that you really examine the surroundings. After all these years I just don't notice them anymore. There are ten tables, each with four oak chairs, evenly spaced throughout the room. Each is covered with a red and white checkered tablecloth and set with a red candle centerpiece. Across the room is well stocked wood panelled bar. After eating here on a dare lots of people feel the need to drink a lot. We're still the only ones in here and it's likely to stay that way. There are paintings on the wall. None of them are authentic Dark Kingdom art as that wouldn't make for a pleasant dining atmosphere. They're Dark Kingdom landscapes painted on commission from descriptions supplied by the owners. Or, in three cases, from my memories. I've taken up painting as a hobby this past decade and donated the appropriate pictures to the Haven. The best one is my Hardlands oil. I think I really capture its' storm swept majesty. No getting around it parts of the Dark Kingdom were picturesque ... at least looking back from over a century and a half later and when you don't actually have to live in that damn hole. Snap out of it Azure! Ferrite's waiting for a answer. "This is about as unauthentic as you can get. Kingdom decor tended to be big on blacks, dark blues and greys. Purple was reserved for her late and unlamented majesty ..." That's seems to remind him of something. "The imperial purple ..." Hmmm, is he remembering the Roman Empire or did the custom date from Silver Millennium? I'll have to ask him. He doesn't add anything more so I finish my answer. "But those colour were a bit oppressive so Ti nixed getting too authentic. She knew getting people to sample our ... ethnic cuisine would be an uphill battle so she didn't want to jinx things before they'd even ordered." Ferrite glances around at all the vacant seats. "Doesn't seem to be having much luck." "That's an understatement. The problem is mainly psychological. If people could get over their squeamishness about the food they'd enjoy it!" I really believe that. A moment later I add, "I've done what I could to help this place out. I've tried persuading my colleagues at CTU to dine here. With very little success apart from some of the xenobiologists." Who are, let's face it, a little on the odd side. "Whatever happened to the fabled academic open-mindedness?" From his tone of voice Ferrite obviously knows that is just a fable. Can't say Pyr didn't warn me what it would be like when I joined the faculty. But I thought he was exaggerating. Even in Crystal Tokyo there's no end of departmental politics and infighting. "What indeed? I got roped into organizing a faculty dinner so I had the haven cater it. I've always suspected that's why my tenure applications keep getting denied." Not one of my better ideas I must admit. Still it was going fine at the start. Up until the xenobiology crew started describing what was in the entrees. Mass nausea is a very ugly sight. Meantime Ferrite's turned his attention to the tableware. "You've got quite a mix of cutlery here." "Yes well giving people a choice between chopsticks and knife and fork is a given. The others are modelled after the kingdom equivalents. They're mainly here to provide a bit of atmosphere." "This one looks like a heavy duty fondue fork, while this looks more like a bonesaw than a knife." There's a description of everything on the back of the menu but I answer him anyway. "The first is a flesh prong, the smaller version beside it is intended for plants and fungi. That knife's designed to be used cutting through chitin or sawing through jundroot casing. Of course here they'll serve the jundroot without the armour. It's just there to provide a little authenticity." "How about this thing that looks like a razor edged spoon?" "It's another knife. After you've broken through the chitin you stick the slice into the hole and cut loose as much meat as you can. Then just scoop it out. If you know what you're doing you can then use the scoop to eat but it's safer drop it on the plate and use the prong. Less risk of gashing your lip ..." "... or accidentally widening your mouth. Tell me did youma have a lot of arguments over dinner? Because you've got quite a range of weaponry sitting in front of you." "It wasn't unknown but spur of the moment dining homicides were rare. Most youma preferred to wait for better opportunities. Why settle for a flesh prong when you can use a trident? And so forth." "Didn't think youma had that much self control." "Evolution in action. Those without cunning got weeded out of the gene pool fairly young. Which was the same reason Beryl never exterminated the Dire Butterflies and a lot of the other predators. She felt they improved the race by weeding out the unfit. Along with the just plain unlucky. " Perhaps a little self promotion is in order. "I've done a book on the youma ..." "I know, 'Kingdom of Darkness'. I've skimmed it." No indication it interested him in the slightest. Hmm doesn't seem to have much respect for my field. That's going to be a problem. His attention returns to the utensils before him and he picks up the silver plated mallet. "What exactly is this intended for?" "Decoration. In the Kingdom it was there in case you had to pacify your dinner before you could eat it. But they don't serve live food here so it's just an ornament." It's also not exactly authentic. It would be more traditional to have a stout cudgel in its' place but Ti's got this thing about hammers so that's what we get. "Ready to order?" Before he can answer the kitchen doors bang open and a familiar figure emerges. She's traded her senshi fuku for chef's whites and she's got one of those big puffy hats balancing on her head. I'm a little surprised to say the least. "Ti? What in the world are you doing here?" "Hi Azure, Noriko told me you were out front but I've been kinda busy back there. Well our old chef retired so I've taken some time off to train his replacement. Well, latest replacement I should say. The first couple ran off when they had a look around the kitchen. But Natasha didn't flinch so I knew she had promise!" I catch Ferrite's reflection in my wineglass, luckily that "kitchen of horrors" bit doesn't seem to have worried him. She gives Ferrite a quick wave, "Hi Ferry." That doesn't go over too well. "I prefer Ferrite, Lady Titanite." Sounds very stiff, forget the idea he's interested in Ti. "Really? I generally prefer Ti. But if it makes you happy then Ferrite it is." "Thank you. I'd been told you were taking some vacation time for personal reasons." He doesn't sound particularly interested. Just being polite but Ti doesn't pick up on that. "Well I'm the best chef for Exile foods left so I'm the best qualified to see the new chef knows what she's doing." Then she turns to me, "Say I just got some new holos of my new nephew. Like to take a look?" From the corner of my eye I catch Ferrite twitch. Afraid he's going to have to sit through Ti's picture show? Maybe and yet I think there's something more ... Anyway this is neither the time nor place. "Perhaps another time?" Ti catches the hint. "Right, I'm sure you've got other things to talk about. I shouldn't really be bothering you but when Noriko said you were out here I had to say hi." Understandable, we don't see each other anywhere as frequently as we used to. We move in different circles these days though that's partially my choice. Last time we met Serenity she hinted there might be a place for Sailor Arcturus in the palace if I got tired of the academic life. I thanked her for the offer but told her I'd hung up my fuku for good. "Anyway Hiroshi's really bright for a two year old but you can go see him for yourself. By the way when are you and Pyr ... ?" She leaves it open so I simply say, "When we're both ready. It's not like we have to hurry." She winces a little at that. Damn ... I'd forgotten about her old flame being mortal. I never met him but he must have been something for her to fall for him so hard. The man who fathered her children died of old age before I returned to Crystal Tokyo. Hell, her kids were adults when I first met them. Well unlike their father they'll be around for a long time to come. As for Ti? She's had other lovers since but nothing I'd really call serious. I gather there was a minor scandal because they never got married but that's been forgotten. At least by the tabloids. I understand Serenity still prefers not to think about the children's out of wedlock origins. Though they couldn't have been conceived without her aid and she could have turned down Ti's request if she'd really objected. Serenity's very big on marriage which is one reason why we ... damn! I'm getting sidetracked. Ti's talking so she didn't realize I'd stopped listening. "... so Natasha will do the actual cooking and I'll just oversee to make sure everything goes right. That okay with both of you?" Ferrite nods and I say, "That's fine." "Great!" She signals Noriko to come over. "Well I'll get back to the kitchen. Oh do either of you have any questions about the menu?" Ferrite shrugs and says, "Since I've got no experience I'll trust Azurite to do the ordering." Which puts me on the spot if he doesn't like what he gets. What to do? With the best Kingdom chef overseeing it's a shame not to order something like ur-prawn chra'chal. But that takes ages to prepare and Ferrite's already looking a little antsy. Perhaps for his first time I shouldn't get too fancy ... got it! "Ti, is the Ktar fresh?" She looks a little uneasy, Ti's always been a bit squeamish about Ktar. "Uh yes, we've got a live one in back. It's about 10 kilos." About three kilos of which will be shell. Still seven kilos between two should be plenty. I ask Ferrite, "Like to split a Ktar? It's something like lobster." Well something like a lobster as imagined by a schizophrenic who's never seen a real one. "Fine." "Great. Thanks Ti." Looking a little sickly Ti heads inside. Well she won't have to kill it herself, her trainee can do that. They must have something back there for human chefs to punch through the chitin over the brain case. Noriko takes out her keypad and waits for me to order. I doubt she'll need the pad as I'm keeping it very simple. "We'll have two grey salads to start. For dressing ... how about the Burning Islands?" Ferrite glances at the menu then shakes his head. "Sounds more appetising than the Rotweed Ichor." "Okay Burning Islands it is. It's got a great smoky flavour." These days it'll be artificially created but that can't be helped. For main course we'll have fresh Ktar with Jundroot Omatiri. That should be plenty or would you like any more side dishes?" "I'll go with your judgement." "Okay than that will do us for now. We'll think about dessert afterwards." Noriko nods, refills our glasses and enters the kitchen area. Now should I get into why I wanted to meet him or stick to small talk for now? Ferrite takes the decision out of my hands. "That picture over there ..." He nods towards the view of the City of Jade, "... You painted that?" I'm a little surprised. "How did you know?" "Fairly simply really. You signed it." Sure enough there's my signature in the right hand corner. Except ... "You can read youma'shak?" It seemed appropriate to sign it in my native language. Ferrite just shrugs. "It's not that far removed from old high terran. Guess Beryl didn't let the language change that much from Arcadian even if she changing everything else about her subjects." There's my opening! "Speaking of similarities between Silver Millennium languages and the Dark Kingdom's ..." "That city ... at least I think that's what it is ...?" I nod and he continues, "Is that accurate?" "That's the real appearance of the City of Jade." He shakes his head at that. "It looks like something out of an Escher drawing!" There's no denying that. "Jadeite liked to show off his space warping abilities in his city. Whole place was spatially insane. It made 'Relativity' look simple and uncomplicated." "Good grief." After a pause he asks, "So that's why you put him in the picture?" I shrug, "He fit the scene." Viewers have said you can almost feel the arrogance of the figure. I don't know why but I add, "Besides the bastard was my father. I suppose I owe him something even if it's only not being forgotten." Ferrite almost chokes on his wine than puts it down and stares at me skeptically. "You don't look a thing like him." "For which I am eternally grateful. But that's a given with youma bloodlines. The odds against my even looking human were very high. Why do you think neither Calcite or Titanite's children resemble them?" There's a moment of silence then he nods. "That's true ... and Nephrite's journal said Calcite had one of Jadeite's byblows as his chief lieutenant!" "The Generals never had much tact when talking about one another." My voice is dry. Then the implications strike me and I burst out. "Nephrite left a journal? And you've got it?" He nods and I frown. "Wait a minute! There's a small collection of data crystals at CTU that were recovered from his Juban base ... which you ... or rather your Trenchcoat Mask incarnation donated to them but I don't recall a journal!" "I hung on to it. Personal reasons." Huh? Why would he want a General's journal? Whatever info was in there must be long past the point it could hurt anyone. The senshi's id's are well known and everyone else from back then is long gone. No, wait! Back in his first life he knew the original Nephrite! When he was a guardian, before Beryl got her hooks into him. Were they friends in those days? Perhaps best not to ask. Let's try and steer the conversation somewhere else. "So why did you donate Nephrite's other texts to the university? Were you trying to regain some goodwill after wrecking Minako's wedding ..." Oops! Sometimes your mouth outraces your brain. He looks at me sharply and growls, "You were there?" "No. If I had been I'd have been the one to jump up during that 'does anyone here have any reason these two should not be wed' line. By the time when I heard about it was all over with and I thought it was a very bad idea." Though not a complete surprise given Cal's habit of screwing up his romantic life. "Why?" "I ... Pyrite and myself had left CT the previous year. We were still somewhat paranoid about the senshi in those days so putting some distance between us seemed like a plan." Ten years of working with Sailor Hermes didn't give me much faith in senshi as stable people. Almost getting fried unintentionally by mana overload when Sailor Moon woke up and became Serenity didn't help. "We doesn't include Ti, you'd have had to drag her out of the city kicking and screaming! So Cal stayed to protect her just in case ... at least that's what I thought at the time. I didn't notice what was going on between him and Minako." Probably because it was so unbelievable! "The whole romance with Venus ... with their past history I'd have said even if he was crazy enough to fall for another senshi she'd be the last one to return his affection." He nods. "Even for Minako falling for her original arch enemy was unbelievable!" "Truth is stranger than fiction." Ferrite's eyes narrow as something strikes him. "What did you mean by another senshi?" This guy doesn't miss much. Still he is a member of the court so I guess he's been thoroughly briefed. Besides which after those films of Ti's the Dark World is hardly a state secret. Though what I'm really wondering is, does he know my counterpart did in his counterpart? In case he doesn't I'd better tread carefully. "I don't know how much you know about our whereabouts prior to the founding ..." "I am aware that the Dark World was a real place ... and I suppose still is. As I understand it you departed it in 2004 their time and reappeared here near the end of our ice age due to some sort of time anomaly between the worlds." "The locals don't call it the Dark World anymore, it's back to being Earth." Now how to say this next bit? "During the ten years we spent there the surviving senshi, Zeus and Hermes ... the counterparts to our Jupiter and Mercury ... grew up. During the later years of our stay there was ... a brief affair between Calcite and Sailor Zeus." It was a bit more complicated than that but never mind. "It didn't last ... hardly surprising. Any relationship between the senshi of a world overrun by the Dark Kingdom and a youma was doomed from the start." Especially when behind his glamour the youma in question was a dead ringer for the Overlord. "It got a bit messy towards the end (especially when Hermes found out) which was why I was so sure he'd never get involved with another senshi. All of which just goes to show that I definitely don't have precognition." "There's never been anything between him and Jupiter?" It sounds more like a statement than a question but I answer anyway. "Neither of them have ever seemed interested in each other. Of course Sailor Zeus is a very different woman, her experiences shaped her very differently than the Makoto you know. And if you could find any similarity between Sailor Mercury and that ice hearted bit... between Mercury and Hermes apart from hair colour then I'd love to hear it." I haven't thought about my old comrade in arms (hah!) for a long time. I try to avoid it. Bitter? Me? I worked with that psycho for ten years. On occasion I referred to her as 'that cast iron bitch with a block of ice for a heart.' I never had a reason to change my opinion. Hell, even Ti agreed with me and she can get along with just about anybody. He just sighs and says quietly, "I know better than anybody how circumstances can shape your life." I think about the implications of that. As I understand with each rebirth he literally is born as someone else. At twenty something (if he lives that long) his original personality reawakens and either takes over or merges with the current persona. I wonder ... how many times did he revive to find his new self was someone he detested? That they lived by values that he despised or were just plain alien? I'm smart enough to let it rest and look for a way to change the subject. Luckily Noriko reappears with our salads. She sets a bowl overflowing with fungoids before each of us. Grey is the dominant colour but you also get white and some blue. Besides that she places a small jug full of thick orange sauce then hopes we enjoy our starters and returns to the kitchen. I pour the dressing over my salad and pick up the smaller prong. I'm about to start when I realize Ferrite is still staring at his bowl dubiously. "Something wrong?" He looks at me, "My salad is moving." "Only bits of it. That's just the mimic fungus squirming around." "Mimic fungus?" "Yeah, you've got an array of fungus in there. Just a sec ..." I study my salad then plunge the prong in. I bring it back out with a small slice of blue fungus with orange stains from the dressing. It's flexing a bit up and down. "Mimic fungus. Don't worry it's far too small to form itself into a limb and it's impossible for it to try and strangle you. It's just there to add a little zest to the salad. Don't worry your stomach acids will stop it moving instantly!" With that I swallow the mimic feeling a little tickle as it wriggles on the way down. Ferrite looks unconvinced. "It there any way to get a salad that's a little more ... static?" "Well you could use the hammer for more than decoration. Mimic loses mobility when subjected to kinetic impact. So a few whacks with the hammer and it'll sit still. That's why it's served without the dressing already on it. Then if you decide to pacify the salad you won't spray everyone at the table." "So you're saying I either have to eat a salad that's trying to escape or beat it senseless before I take a bite?" "Well ... that's basically right." He shakes his head. "If this is what the appetiser's like I can't wait to see what I have to do to the main course!" He looks down again then grabs his prong and spears a morsel that seems to be waving at him. He gulps it down like a man doing his duty then frowns. He spears another wriggler and swallows that. He looks thoughtful then nods and tries a piece of devarie followed by a slice of moroshi. With that he pours some of the burning island on his salad and tries a few more pieces. Then smiles. "This is good ... once you get past the basic idea. I can see why this place is something of a hard sell." We both turn our attention back to the salads until her pauses and asks, "Do Minako and Calcite eat here regularly." "Not anymore. Calcite gave up trying to convert Minako to the joys of exile cuisine a long time ago. For a while they had a small alternative menu of human fare and Minako would order from that while Cal used the regular menu. But she still had to see what he ate ... I gather sometimes just the name would make her sick. As for Cal, watching her turn green while he was eating put him off his food. So they decided that it was added strain they didn't really need. Meaning Calcite only eats here when Minako can't join him for lunch, dinner or whatever." "I see." I shrug. "Probably for the best. To quote the epicurean philosopher, 'Few relationships can survive the low point of one partner vomiting at the sight of what the other eats.'" "Who said that?" I frown as I try to recall. I don't know how Ferrite manages when I'm having memory trouble with under 200 years stored. Actually I haven't really forgotten anything. It's all in here somewhere, I just have to find the trigger. "I can't remember the name offhand. Anyway he was in vogue for a while in the late 20th century. That anarchist philosopher who always used cooking metaphors ... Damn! Can't remember his name. Wonder whatever happened to him?" The long-term answer is by now he's died of something or other but Ferrite gets my meaning. "Oh, him! Right! Now I remember. They put him away for bombing ... what the hell was it? Name's on the tip of my tongue but I don't quite ... well I guess it doesn't really matter. I agree and we return our attention to our food. Ferrite's digging in with every indication of enjoying it when the kitchen door opens and Noriko emerges accompanied by the screaming. Almost instantly Ferrite's holding his ancient pistol. Almost as quickly I've dropped my prong. By the time it hits the table mana is swirling around my hand waiting to become an air vortex that can tear a man's head off his shoulders. Ferrite catches my movement out of the corner of his eye and twitches his arm my way like a snake striking. He almost has his cannon aimed at me. I'm not quite pointing at him so it's not quite an MAD standoff but it's pretty close. If I take him out his reflexes'll put a slug through me that my shield can't stop. If he shoots me my powers will trigger in the death spasm pulping him. It's one of those tense moments where if either of you does something stupid you're both going to die. Noriko has no idea what is going on and is watching us with bemusement. She's got most of her attention on Ferrite. As a lifelong citizen of Crystal Tokyo she's never seen an actual gun before. Behind her the kitchen door closes and the noise cuts off. Must be soundproofed, that never occurred to me. We sit frozen in our little deadlock for a few heartbeats then Ferrite demands, "What the hell was that yelling?" I'm about to answer but Noriko beats me to it. From her quizzical tone it's obvious she doesn't understand our little tableau. "Oh that's the Ktar being steamed. It's a little noisy in there and I couldn't find my earplugs so I left. I hope I didn't disturb you." Ferrite switches his attention back to me. Well it's never left me but he's talking to me now. "Why didn't you mention that noise to me?" "Because Ti never cooks Ktar the traditional way. She always ... always kills it before steaming! She doesn't like the sound it makes." Now either Ti is getting a bit harder hearted or ... Noriko clears this up right away. "Titanite-sama is not in the kitchen. She knew your preference for freshly steamed Ktar so she instructed the chef on what to do before departing to take care of some urgent business." Urgent like getting out before the noise started. Never occurred to me that she'd do that. I'm in a standoff because I underestimated Ti's thoughtfulness. Which would be a really stupid way to die. Meanwhile Noriko is explaining to Ferrite, "The noise is caused by steam venting through the Ktar's ventral plates. If you punch a hole in the forehead the steam vents through this and there is no sound apart from a whistling. However this kills the Ktar and it tastes better if steamed while still alive, This is in no way cruel because, like lobster, Ktar are incapable of feeling pain from being boiled. Their nerves simply aren't wired to perceive this." Well, that's the official story and we're sticking to it. Noriko still has no concept of just how dangerous this situation is. But it looks like the combination of her naivete and explanation have done the trick. As suddenly as it appeared Ferrite's gun is gone. I lower my hand immediately and there's a tense few moments as we both wait to see if the other is going to strike. Then we both relax except there's still a lot of power flickering around my hand waiting to be released. I could bleed it off but I'll be a hour doing that and I don't need the distraction. "Excuse me." With that I get up and head for the ladies room. Behind me Noriko deferentially approaches Ferrite and asks if the gun was real and if he's a magician or a sorcerer. Slight of hand or true magic, these days it could be either. Inside the washroom I pry open a window then lean out and study the sky. Nothing overhead as far as I can see. Therefore ... With that thought my powers trigger and a micro hurricane roars straight upwards towards the stratosphere. I take a few moments to check my appearance and check my clothes for sweat stains. No sign of any, good to know I can still keep calm under pressure. Though I can't escape a cold sensation as I think about how it could have gone. Both of us might have died today from a stupid misunderstanding! Which would have been a much larger problem for me than for him. Well maybe I can patch things up before they deteriorate any further. I return to my seat and raise my wineglass. All of a sudden a toast seems appropriate. "To hair trigger combat reflexes." Ferrite clinks glasses with me, "To hair trigger combat reflexes and the avoidance of accidents." "I'll drink to that." I think he's a bit embarrassed by this. Maybe that's why he says, "I suspect you wanted to talk to me about something. Which is why you pulled a few strings to get me to meet with you." No point denying it. "More a matter of asking an old friend for a favour." An old friend who used to be more like a little sister. Well that's what happens when you barely see each other for over a century. Though we'd already shifted from as close as we had been. That had been inevitable as soon as we left the Kingdom and she could find friends outside our circle. My one regret was that in my absence Margrave stepped in to fill the void I'd left. Thankfully as I'd thought Ti had grown to be too much her own woman for Margrave to corrupt her. "I don't have any influence in the palace so that was the best I could do." I could have asked Cal but he doesn't get on with Ferrite at all. Well considering the first time they met Ferrite was wrecking Minako's meticulously planned wedding while trying to shoot him it's hardly surprising they don't get along. That definitely got things off on the wrong foot. Minako doesn't like him much either. During the divorce she once told me that Ferrite had jinxed their marriage right from the start. Which was why they hadn't been able to keep things going as long as Serenity and Endymion or Pyrite and I. I've wondered if she wanted to hear that, in fact, things weren't as rosy as she thought and we were having problems. Best I could do was to point out that we hadn't really been married that long. We'd simply been living together the past century and a bit. All of which has nothing to do with why I wanted to have a quiet chat with Ferrite. He's waiting to hear from me. Okay Azure stay calm and let's get on with it. "As you may or may not know I'm in the anthropology faculty of Crystal Tokyo University." He nods, which I take to mean this isn't news. "One of our projects in my department is we've been working on reconstructing Silver Millennium's culture as best we can. It isn't easy given the scarcity of artifacts after all this time and the fact that the few ... well survivors is the wrong word let's call the resurrectees from that time don't have much memory of their original lives. When the senshi were revived after the showdown with Beryl they had their clearest recall of their Silver Millennium days. But those faded fairly rapidly ... some of our metaphysicians believe that past life experiences will inevitably be overridden by the contemporary personality. Of course you're either a clear refutation of that or the exception that proves the rule. Anyway the upshot is we don't have a lot to work with. You can change that." He's looking a little more attentative. Time to get to the heart of it. "We would like you to agree to take part in a series of total recall sessions. This would take several months as we want to do very in-depth interviews, rechecking your recollections as we go." I think he's about to turn me down flat so I continue quickly. "I realize you're a busy man and probably can't spare the time right now ..." Actually I realize no such thing as I have no idea what the hell he does when he's not hanging around the court. "... but this needn't happen this next year or even the next few years. We'd just like your commitment to cooperate with us ... in say the next ten years?" His expression doesn't inspire confidence. I take a guess at what's wrong and, mentally gritting my teeth, I say, "If you have any difficulties in working with a youma then you don't have to. Every member of our department would jump at the chance to run this project." With a little more effort I add, "If it's really necessary I can arrange to be completely uninvolved with the Silver Millennium project." He's silent for a moment then says, "That won't be necessary because I have to turn you down anyway. I've got a lot of commitments outside Crystal Tokyo that keep me on the run. I simply don't have time to spend months working with you or anyone to reconstruct Silver Millennium." Don't give up. "Okay, right now yes but how about longer term. Say when you've retired in fifty years or so you could ..." He shakes his head, "I tend to keep working until I drop. I don't retire." "That's very out of fashion these days. Even in this country." "Well I don't take death as seriously as most people. It's more of a major inconvenience than an ending." "But think of the loss to science ..." I trail off as I see the fallacy. He nods. "As you've just realized nothing I know is lost because I always come back." "Except you're the only one who knows it." Looking a little more serious he says, "I've got a number of long term goals in mind. Once I'm through with them I'll be willing to consider your proposal." He smiles faintly. "As I expect my work to take under 9000 years you might still be around to run the interviews." "Perhaps though I don't see this as my life's work. Ami and Pyrite are in CTU for the long haul. Me? I'm not so certain." While I'm talking so nobly about the betterment of science there's another driving force behind the Silver Millennium project for me. To tell the truth I'm getting very bored with this profession. I was hoping if I could pull this off I'd renew my own interests. I've been doing this for almost thirty years and I need either another challenge or a change. I just wish I knew what I really wanted to do. Funny, everyone else I know who's going to be around for millennia has found their life's work. But not me. I still haven't found the real goal I want to dedicate myself to. Well, I'll just have to try new things and keep searching. Someday I'll find it. Ferrite breaks in on my thoughts, "Was there anything else?" "As a matter of fact there is. My colleagues in our neurology and metaphysics departments wanted me to make an informal request of you." "Why informal?" "Probably because it's a little ghoulish. Here goes ... as we understand it you have total recall at will of all your previous lives?" He nods. "Thing is, from what we can tell that exceeds the estimated storage capacity of the human brain. So either their estimates are woefully inadequate or in some way your memory engrams are etched on your soul. It all depends on if you're reborn with the memories already implanted but inaccessible until you hit the right age or you just access past lives encoded astrally. They'd like to know which it is so they were hoping you'd consider leaving them your body for ... examination on the death of your current incarnation." "By examination you mean dissection?" Perhaps not the most appetising topic but he should be more objective about it than most people. "Yes, that's what it boils down to." "I'll think about it." The kitchen doors open and Noriko wheels out a cart with our main course steaming away on top. "If lobsters looked like that they could take on sharks." Seems interested rather than repelled which has to be a good sign. Looks like I don't get what I want but I might have gained the haven a new customer. That's life. Any worries I had about Ferrite having problems dealing with the Ktar's shell turn out to be groundless. With his enhanced strength he has no problem using the chitin knife to cut through to the meat and lop the legs off on his side. He's obviously enjoying the meat's flavour and using his scoop a little too enthusiastically for a novice. I'm also enjoying the taste of freshly broiled Ktar. Pyrite always adds a little melted wixxel grease to his but I've always felt that detracts from the flavour. So I didn't suggest it to Ferrite. Besides after that unfortunate incident with the senshi we've got an unspoken agreement to not mention wixxel grease in front of humans. We haven't been saying much to each other the past few minutes as we savour the Ktar but Ferrite changes that. Out of the blue he says, "Why did you give up acting for anthropology when you returned to Crystal Tokyo?" I shrug and say, "I'd been doing acting for over a century by then. Frankly I was sick of it and I wanted a change." "That's a shame, you were very talented." What the? Before I can ask he says, "I caught your 'Lady Macbeth' at the Lincoln Centre 44 or 45 years ago. Of course you were calling yourself Julia ... something but ..." I almost choke on my Ktar. Clearing my throat I blurt out, "That's impossible! I was using a glamour so there's no way you could have recognised me!" "I can see through glamour. And while your hair could be explained by dyeing your eyes are very distinctive." After a moment he adds, "Of course if anyone really wanted to find you they'd just have had to track the Sailor Arcturus sightings!" Well that's undeniable. Arcturus had quite a following in her heyday. She's generally considered first of the Lesser Senshi. Actually that was Ti but as Polaris is considered one of the True or Greater Senshi of Crystal Tokyo the label got stuck on Arcturus. Back then I was the only non CT Senshi around, at least initially. In the later years it seemed any girl who developed powers would put on a fuku and call herself "Sailor insert-name-here". The lesser senshi phenomena shows no signs of ending and I'm more than a little responsible for it. My legacy to the outside world. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I shouldn't have appeared as Arcturus so much but it seemed necessary at the time. To tell the truth I started taking the vigilante business far too seriously. When we fled Crystal Tokyo I told myself I'd only use the Arcturus guise when I had to use my powers in public. Same as in Tokyo. But wherever we went there seemed to be no shortage of newly empowered mages suddenly turning up and running amuck. Along with a variety of other scum who showed up in the aftermath of the Darkness and the Mana Renaissance. Back then with the Hunters still in the planning stages and the Senshi occupied with both the bigger menaces and the rebuilding it seemed like somebody had to take care of local problems. So I elected myself to take out the trash wherever we were living. We kept on the move a lot back then so Sailor Arcturus got spotted worldwide. Eventually things calmed down somewhat. Plus the Hunters gained acceptence and got called in to deal with the things I'd been keeping a lid on. So Arcturus's appearances became more and more sporadic. The last confirmed sighting was in Brasil back in 2119. Since her disappearance over 30 years ago there have been quite a few speculations about what happened to her. The leading conspiracy theory is Crystal Tokyo got jealous of an apparently immortal unaligned senshi and had Mars take her out. Of course there's no mystery at court who Sailor Arcturus was though it's also no public knowledge. Getting back to Ferrite I say, "I've hung up my senshi costume. I'm not needed around here. Besides it would be hard to get taken seriously as an anthropologist while wearing a leather fuku. As for acting ... I used to enjoy it but I think I've done enough to hold me for the next few centuries. I played everything from live theatre Shakespeare to B flicks so I think I've hit both the highs and the lows. When we came back to Crystal Tokyo I decided I needed a change. I'd been thinking about anthropology and doing the definitive study on the Dark Kingdom. Perhaps exorcising a few old demons in the process ... metaphorically speaking. So that's how I wound up in this career." After a moment I ask, "You really liked my 'Lady Macbeth'?" "Shakespeare would have said you captured the character almost perfectly! At least he would have if he could have got over females on the stage." "I guess if anyone could really say that it's you." Should I ask if he actually knew Shakespeare in a past life or would that be rude? But Ferrite doesn't give me the chance. "I can understand you wanting a change but why return to Crystal Tokyo?" "Two reasons. The first was we'd lost our fear of the senshi. Calcite and Titanite had fit right in and they'd even accepted Margrave despite her vampiric habits. Do you remember Margrave?" He nods. "I'm sure she still remembers you. After your little run-in back in the Kingdom she was always foaming at the mouth every time Trenchcoat Mask got mentioned. I probably laughed over the story more times than I should have but I've got worse stains on my karma. Of course these days she doesn't dare do anything too out of line except bedevil Rei and get on my nerves so you don't have to worry about her looking for revenge. Anyway if they'd accept ... or at least tolerate her then we'd have no problems fitting in." "Which lead to the second reason. I was tired of living under a series of masks. With groups like "Sword of Torquemada" and "Hand of Fate" stirring up xenophobia with all that, 'demons walk among us' paranoia I had to stay behind my false identities. I was getting heartily sick of changing my appearance. My hair I could have got away with, as you just pointed out, but my eyes were another matter. Thanks to decades of bad horror films red eyes are automatically linked to demonic possession or being some sort of monster. Pyrite's own eyes are a little distinctive so he had the same problem. So we talked it over and there was a lot of research he wanted to do but he just didn't have resources. We got in touch with Cal and Ti who got in touch with CTU. Pyrite didn't have any actual academic qualifications ... at least none recognised in this world but after getting some hints of his theoretical and practical work they were eager to get him regardless. Ami made a few exceptions to let them hire him and that solved that. So we came back, he joined the faculty as a professor and picked up his doctorates in his spare time. As for me I enrolled in the Anthropology program and after I got my doctorate they offered me a job." Which I earned on my merits rather than friends in high places but I don't feel any need to justify myself. During my recitation Ferrite's been digging into the Ktar. He pauses to sip his wine then comments casually, "I understand it was shortly after you returned to Crystal Tokyo that Calcite and Minako's marriage fell apart." My laugh surprises him. I'm still chuckling as I say, "I expected a little more subtlety from a man of your experience." He looks off guard for the first time. "The tabloids picked up that idea shortly after we returned. I wouldn't be surprised to find a certain furry rumour monger behind it. For a while the tabloids were full of stories about Lord Calcite's old flame's returning meaning the end was nigh for their marriage. When things actually did fall apart a few stories surfaced hinting at an affair between us as being the straw that broke the camel's back." "So what did you do about it?" "When the stories first appeared I issued a statement that Calcite and I were old friends only and had never been lovers. I also announced I was marrying Pyrite who had been my only lover during the past century in the hope of squelching these slurs on Calcite's reputation." "So that's why you got married?" "Well that was one of the reasons. It was also our way of saying we were here to stay and going to do our best to fit in. Besides Serenity's a bit old fashioned in some ways and was obviously more comfortable with us getting married instead of just living together." "The mess Calcite got himself into didn't put you off marriage?" "It was just a matter of making our relationship official. We'd been a couple longer than Calcite and Minako ... possibly longer than Serenity and Endymion. It's a little tricky to say because of the time anomaly. Chronologically we were a couple first but when you factor in the years we missed ... well never mind. The point is everything was stable so we had no worries. As I never appeared in my Sailor Arcturus costume I wasn't particularly photo worthy material. The tabloids quickly decided we were dull and stopped following us. Apart from a brief revival of interest after the divorce. But when it became obvious Calcite wasn't involved with me and they weren't going to get a juicy love triangle that died down again. Far as I can tell they've forgotten about me since then. Which doesn't break my heart." I figure the subject's exhausted but Ferrite still won't let it go. "But Calcite was a close friend and after everything went sour he'd have turned to you for support, right! You've got to know why it fell apart. And why that wasn't enough to keep them apart." I've had enough of this. "Look, I didn't come here to discuss my best friend's personal problems." "I did." The words are quiet but loaded with emotion. For the first time I get a glimpse of the loneliness and despair locked inside. It's gone almost as soon as it surfaces but something clicks. Everything I've seen and heard this evening suddenly fits together. "Minako!" Ferrite twitches slightly but doesn't show any sign of emotion. I plough on regardless, "Their wedding! That's why you tried to shoot Calcite! It wasn't any of that official bullshit about the shock of seeing a servant of Beryl about to entrap a senshi. It was because it was Minako and she was marrying someone else!" He doesn't say a thing and I go on. "Now either you fell for her back in the 20th when she was still a little on the young side by human standards but which is certainly possible. Or it's older than that, perhaps you knew her earlier incarnation in your first life ... and she doesn't remember those days at all. Matter of fact I found out when I contacted her for the SiM project that she refuses to remember them. Says who she was has nothing to do with who she is. 'I'm Aino Minako not some Venusian who's been dead over ten thousand years', I think those were her exact words." "Perhaps that's for the best." What did he mean by that? Except something's not right here. "Except if you were in love with her ... or at least the woman she was why didn't you do something about it. They were divorced over twenty years and Calcite wasn't even in Crystal Tokyo most of that time. You had plenty of time to make your move." "I did! She rejected me pretty quickly and I still don't know why! It's not like I rushed in while she was hurting. Calcite had been gone for five years when I ... I don't understand it! Their breakup was incredibly bitter. When they got over that they should have gone looking for somebody, anybody else. Why the hell would she ever wait for him? Why did he wait for her. I just want to know why! Can you explain it to me?" He's not a man used to asking favours and this really seems to grate. Asking a youma for aid is about the last thing he wants. He continues, "I'm willing to make you this offer. If you tell me what I need to know your medical school can have this body when I'd through with it. In addition I have several journals of my own containing accounts of some of the more important events in my Silver Millennium life. I am willing to give you access to them." "I don't particularly want your carcass and while I'd love to see those journals it stinks of a bribe. Now shut up and give me a moment." I'd have told him the subject was closed if it wasn't for the pain in his voice. He needs answers and I can maybe give them. My thoughts whirl until things seem to make sense. I hope this isn't a mistake. "Calcite's probably the closest friend I've got so I'm not about to betray anything he's told me. But there are some things I can talk about. The only reason I'm telling you this is I think you really need to hear it. What I'm telling you doesn't break any confidences because it's only the way I see things. I could be dead wrong. Still want to hear it?" "What's the price?" "No price. If you want to buy gossip talk to Margrave if not shut up and listen." His face blanks and I begin. "Calcite never actually told me any of this. I've pieced it together bit by bit. I missed out on the good years of their marriage. By the time I came back they could barely stand each other. The only thing holding them together was honour and stubbornness. Honour meaning they had taken vow, 'till death do you part' and they had to fulfill that. Which they almost did. The stubbornness was that neither wanted to be the first to call it quits. So things limped along until they both threw in the towel. It's hard to believe they decided to keep sparring together. I guess they both wanted a little revenge under cover of training. I'm sure you've heard the story. They damn near killed each other and both of them probably would have died if Serenity hadn't intervened." I pause a moment then continue. "Now this next bit is supposition. Only three people know just what happened that day and they won't discuss it. But they sometimes said things without realizing it and I got to wondering. Maybe I'm 100% wrong but I think that when Serenity healed them she did something more. I think she mind linked them." Ferrite blinks, he doesn't get it. "Meaning?" "Meaning they each got a good look at the other's mind. Memories, feelings, intentions and motivations. You know that old saying about not judging someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes? Mind linking is a whole order of magnitude greater. You get to walk in someone else's skin." Now how to explain this? "I guess you know how it looked. For the first two years after their divorce they avoided each other. Neither would mention the other's name. Eventually Calcite resigned his post ... or he tried to, Serenity refused to accept it and called it a leave of absence. He left CT but I managed to see him during those years. I tracked Gray's appearances and occasionally went looking for him." As he tracked Sailor Arcturus during my self imposed exile. We met up clandestinely on occasion just to see how the other was doing. Our meetings are an old secret which I keep out of habit rather than because anything happened that shouldn't. "I also ran into Minako on occasion. Neither had any shortage of venom towards the other and for years I thought that's all there was. Finally I began to understand the truth." "What truth?" "The mind link. They'd each got to see what the other thought. They'd both see the other's side of the story and how much they'd hurt each other. Everything they'd done wrong was suddenly blindingly obvious. That's when I realized the real reason they'd avoided each other. It wasn't hatred, that was just the surface. What it really was was shame. They both truly wanted to make up for all the things they'd done to each other but they just couldn't face meeting. The guilt was too great. It was years before they could even talk about each other let alone deal with meeting. All those years they were apart they were torn between trying to patch things up and never seeing each other again. That's why you never had a chance. Until she'd resolved her feelings she couldn't get involved with anyone else." Ferrite's got one hell of a poker face. It's impossible to tell what he thinks about what he just heard. Should I leave it here? Perhaps and yet ... "I'll tell you one more thing. Their remarriage ... it's not going to last." He's still for a moment then says simply, "Why?" "Because neither of them have really changed. They're the same people they always were. So the same things that drove them apart the first time are still there. The more I think about it the more likely it seems history will repeat itself. At least to an extent. I think next time they'll know enough to call it quits before it's too late. The only thing I don't know is what'll happen after that? Will they separate permanently or just wait a few years until things cool down then try again? I really don't know." "Why are you telling me this?" "Because I can't decide if, when they do split up, I should wish you luck if you go after Minako again. I remember how Calcite looked when I returned to Crystal Tokyo. I've almost never seen him that screwed up before. And the only time he looked worse was after a psychic battle with a very disturbing person." Everyone (except maybe Serenity) has their dark side but very few have to face it incarnated in the flesh. Just fighting Lady Azurite was bad enough. If I'd seen into her mind ...! Cal said it wasn't the differences as much as the similarities that were so terrible. Because that made you see just how easy it would be to become the thing you were fighting. I banish the memory and keep going. "Back in those days I'd have said the best thing for Calcite would be to never see Minako again. I opposed the marriage from the start, it seemed like throwing order and chaos together and expecting them to join smoothly. That's what I'd have said back then. And yet the past few years since they got back together I've never seen him happier. Maybe it'll fall apart a few decades down the road but is anything really eternal? So I don't know whether it's better for both of them if things fall apart permanently or that they have some time apart then get back together. Does that answer your question?" "Yes. I think that's what I wanted to know. Or rather what I needed to know." He signs and mutters something about cycles and being alone forever. Then curses Beryl in a language like youma'shak. I sip my wine and survey the table. We've done a pretty good job of emptying the shell. I'd better intensify the workouts the next little while. Then because I was raised in the Dark Kingdom I say, "I've got no intentions of mentioning this little discussion to Calcite, Minako or anyone who'd pass word on to them. However I will be leaving a few notes to Rei to be opened in the event of my untimely demise." "Oh?" "Let's just say it occurs to me that if you decide Calcite and Minako are locked in a cycle of breakup and reconciliation you might decide to break that cycle. As Calcite will be around for a long time you might decide even with reincarnation it's too long to wait for Minako to become a widow. So just in case you decide to expedite matters and get rid of the only person who knows your motives I'd like to get posthumous revenge." "That's a little paranoid." "Growing up in the Dark Kingdom without becoming paranoid would be a good trick. People do funny things for love, you've shown no qualms about killing and you've already taken one shot at Calcite. It's not unreasonable to take a few precautions." "No. Not in the least." After a pause he says, "You're very perceptive. I imagine your father would be proud." I'm not sure quite what to say to that. My first instinct is to deny any similarity between us. Yet perhaps it's not an insult. He could be thinking of the Jadeite he knew, his old comrade in arms rather than the monster he became. At length I say, "There was never any real connection between us. I didn't even find out he was my father until the day he died." "The day he died ... just what did happen to Jadeite? All I know is he was never seen again after he took on the senshi at the airport." "He'd failed Beryl too many times so she sealed him in an eternal sleep crystal. It was her idea of a fate worse then death. The crystal would keep you alive forever ... or at least as long as the magic powering it didn't run out. Those sealed inside were immobile and either in total sensory deprivation or could only see what was directly in front of them. Telepaths who approached the cavern of the sleepers tended to go mad from the despair they radiated. I imagine it was a great relief for them when the kingdom was destroyed." I pause a moment then continue. "What we didn't find out until months later was Jadeite's crystal wasn't among those destroyed. Our escape gate was hidden in the sleepers' hall to camouflage its' existence. The quakes that were rocking the Kingdom knocked Jadeite off his perch and into our collapsing warpgate. It also carried Margrave along for the ride which is why she's still with us. Anyway they crashed into another dimension and Jadeite's crystal shattered. He'd been a bastard before but after months in the crystal he was completely out of his mind. Also dimensional assimilation might have got to him and unfortunately in that world there was a vacancy for a paranormal genocidal maniac. He immediately got to thinking about revenge on the senshi and getting back to this world." I pause to take a drink then resume by tale. "The first we knew something was wrong was when these biomechanical creatures started tearing up the town. Pyrite found they were from another dimension and had been in contact with a youma. Worse the gateway they'd used seemed to be our fault. When we fled the Kingdom we'd torn open this world's interdimensional nexus point. Serenity resealed it but that was years later. So we decided this was our mess so we'd better clean it up before the senshi traced it back to us and decided the truce was off. We figured with all the generals gone we could handle whoever the youma responsible for it was. Cal and I made a very effective team. When we found out Jadeite was behind it we were stuck with it. He'd spotted us so dropping the whole mess into the senshi's laps wasn't possible anymore. Anyway to make a long story short with the aid of some locals we took him on and won. Shortly before he died he told me I was his daughter and confirmed Calcite was Nephrite's son." He looks a little skeptical. "Your mother had never mentioned your father's identity?" "She didn't know. Whoever had impregnated her had wiped himself from her mind. I don't know why. Perhaps he always kept the existence of his offspring secret. If we worked out he'd claim us, if we were failures who'd know? In Calcite's case his mother claimed his father was a general but was holding onto the name as a bargaining chip. She died before she could tell him who it was. Based on the evidence if it was a general he figured it was either Jadeite or Nephrite. As he didn't like either of them it didn't matter which it was. Though as Nephrite was a little less loathsome he leaned towards him as the best alternative. Turned out he'd guessed right. The main reason it mattered was if his father proclaimed him as his son. The generals liked to use their children as aides. They felt the bloodline bound them closer to them and less likely to betray them than unrelated youma. A holdover from their human days I guess. Though few would be foolish enough to betray a general without one hell of a payoff. Of course refusal to cooperate was unthinkable." "But Jadeite did acknowledge you as his daughter?" "Yes. I'd just tried to kill him and failed. He told me he was my father and that I was a great disappointment. I'm not sure which was worse to him. Trying to kill him or trying and botching the job." "But despite you missing him Jadeite fell during the battle?" "Yes." I'm suddenly getting a cold feeling as I remember there's a secret about his death that only three of us know. I'd rather it stayed that way. Still maybe Ferrite will let this drop. "You haven't said how he did die yet." Perhaps not. I shrug and try to sound casual. "That was a long time ago. By my standards if not by yours. Jadeite's been dust in the wind on an alternate Earth for over a century. Why does it matter?" "I'm just curious." His voice is light enough but there's something intense in his eyes. For whatever reason he wants to know pretty badly. Too bad for him I can't answer. Ti has no idea she was the one who struck the fatal blow and I'd rather it stayed that way. She didn't recall doing it and we didn't try to remind her. We told her Cal finished him off while she was dazed and I think she bought it. Necessary as it was I don't think she could have handled having killed anyone back then. It would certainly have blighted her youth and none of us wanted that. Nowadays while she's prepared to fufill her oath to defend Crystal Tokyo recalling what happened would sully the memories of her carefree past. But the story Cal killed Jadeite might well collapse under close scrutiny. So I'm not taking any chance of the truth coming back to haunt Ti. Which is why I lie to him. "Unfortunately while you've got total recall of everything you've ever done I'm not so blessed. The early years in Tokyo tend to blur together so I know the general outlines of what happened but the fine details are blurred. So when it comes to the showdown with Jadeite the only thing I'm sure of is I didn't kill him. But there were a lot of people going up against him, as I said we'd recruited local help. Everyone was throwing everything they had against him and he was taking it. It was one hell of a mess. Lucky he was hit with enough firepower to crack his forceshield. After that ... as I said everyone was trying to blast him. Who knows who finished him off? Could be whoever did take him out doesn't know they're the one who did it." Which is the first unqualified truth in my whole recital. Ferrite's studying me and I'm trying to radiate sincerity. I don't know if he buys it but he seems to decide that's the best answer he's going to get out of me without doing something uncivilized. There's a flicker of something cold in his eyes but then it's gone and he lets the matter drop. I manage not to look relieved. As for Ferrite his spirits seem to have dropped. He sighs, "So that's all four accounted for and only two of them died on Earth. I saw Nephrite die in Juuban, Kunzite died in the tunnels, Zoisite in the Kingdom and Jadeite died in this other dimension." After a moment he asks, "Could you return to the dimension Jadeite died if you wanted?" I'm surprised by the question. "Only if Serenity unsealed the Nexus Point. As I said earlier she closed it years ago to prevent interdimensional intrusion." "Ah. Yes, that's only sensible isn't it?" The question's obviously rhetorical. I'm wondering why he asked that when he suddenly returns to my parentage. "So Jadeite only acknowledged you as his just before he died. You'd never had any other hints?" He sounds skeptical. Perhaps he can't believe Jadeite would ignore his own flesh and blood like that. "No ...", then an old memory surfaces, "...wait a minute." It becomes clearer and things click into place. "With hindsight he did give me one hint. I remember Magnesite had been summoned to the palace and ordered Cal and me to accompany him. At the time Cal had decoyed Minako to England and Jadeite was supposed to be extracting life energy in Juban. He was failing fairly spectacularly on a regular basis. I remember Magnesite was inside with Beryl and we were waiting in the antechamber. Suddenly Jadeite stormed though the door instead of teleporting from the throne room. We immediately bowed and expected him to keep going. Instead he stopped in front of me and I started getting edgy. Given his reputation it was quite possible I was about to get an invitation to his quarters. The only thing I could hope for was he'd change his mind and keep going. Instead he put a thumb under my chin and tilted my head up to look me in the face. He studied me for a moment then released me and told Calcite, 'She still needs polish. Sharpen her up!' He didn't wait for Calcite to respond and stalked off. We tried to figure out what it was all about but couldn't come up with an answer. Though we decided it might be best if I stayed clear of him until he forgot about me. We also had a good laugh over someone who was blundering as much as him thinking anyone else needed improvement." "So maybe he was looking for an aide who'd keep him from screwing up so regularly. Someone he could trust to pull him out of the hole he was digging himself into." "Perhaps." "If you hadn't been related and he had been looking for a lover what would you have done?" "Cooperated, layered on the compliments, tried to forget about it afterwards and trusted Calcite to keep Pyrite from doing anything stupid. In those days the name of the game was survival. You didn't do anything that might endanger the group by acting unyoumalike. Turning down a general could do that. Besides if I'd refused he could have made me cooperate through mind control. Only reason he asked the lovers he picked was he liked to think they all wanted him. Some did, some didn't. But no wasn't an option." He shakes his head. "Jadeite as some maniacal playboy ... Beryl really did a number on him." "I take it the man you knew wasn't such a complete misogynist?" He snorts. "If he was Rei would never have been interested in him." Then frowns like he's said too much. "Rei? But she never ... wait you mean Rei's first incarnation and Jadeite ...?" There's an uncomfortable silence before he says, "That was a long time ago. The Jadeite I knew died the day Beryl grabbed him. What you knew was just a shell with the same face. Why don't we leave it like that?" I should and yet I've got this funny feeling ... I don't know why but I can't leave this alone. "Ferrite ... could you tell me a little more about the Jadeite you knew? I ... I'm just curious what the real man was like. All I ever knew was Beryl's creation. I don't know why this suddenly seems to matter but ..." I have no idea why I'm asking this and I can't define what I'm feeling right now. I'm half hoping he'll refuse, half scared he will. Ferrite's unreadable again, with centuries of practise you can become truly inscrutable. Then he smiles and says, "I guess a few old yarns won't hurt." His voice is warm and he seems genuinely relaxed for the first time this evening. He's an enthralling storyteller as he sketches Endymion's trip to Mars to consult the sacred flame, Jadeite's courtship of a Rei at least as volatile as ours and their story's tragic ending. I'm surprised to learn Jadeite was a title rather than a name. A title that was to have been born by his elder brother until an untimely death thrust it upon an unprepared scholar. The contrast to the man I knew is shocking. I never truly realized that in all the generals there was a man behind the monster. Everyone knows about Nephrite as Beryl's control over him was fracturing towards the end so he was redeeming himself. But the others died as Beryl's creatures and all they once were was forgotten. They are remembered solely as demonic servants of Beryl. No one knows them as anything else except for their former comrade. Only Ferrite honours the memory of the men they were. "Thank you." "Thank you. It's good to remember the golden days sometimes. Lately it seems all I remember are the bad times. I'm sorry you never got to meet the real Jadeite." With that he raises his glass and toasts, "To absent comrades." After draining it he's silent for a moment then glances at the clock. "I can't believe I was talking that long." The table's empty, Noriko cleared away the dishes while Ferrite was talking. I didn't even notice! Noriko's been sitting quietly watching us, not wanting to interrupt. Now she glides over and offers us the dessert menus before refilling our glasses and retreating. By now I think I can manage something sweet. Ferrite seems to be interested in trying something new so we begin studying our menus. Then something catches his eye. "Hmmm glazed Krym Fruit. How's that?" I shrugged. "Some people like it but I have to say I was never too fond of it. I think they taste pretty sour, still that's only to be expected." "Why?" "The Krym vine is actually a pest, it chokes out more useful plants. And that's why they taste acidic." He looks thoughtful then shakes his head slightly. "Sorry I don't follow that." It's all in the timing. Looking serious I tell, "The weed of Krym bears bitter fruit." There's a moment of silence then he breaks out laughing. When he's stopped I shrug and say, "Hey, Pyrite and Titanite aren't the only ones to have studied twentieth century pop culture." "I must be one of the few people who could get that joke. Well then ..." He raises his glass. "Here's to knowing the evil that lurks in the hearts of men!" I raise my glass. "Along with knowing the good." Our glasses clink, "Amen!" A sentiment I'm happy to toast. End ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writer's notes: Ferrite created by Frank Barr Aino Minako/Sailor Venus and related characters created by Naoko Takeuchi Azurite, Pyrite, Titanite, Calcite, Magnesite & Margrave are mine Events in this story inspired by and drawn from "Crystal Renegades" by Andy Combs Azurite's unnamed philosopher, "The Evil Midnight Lurker What Lurks At Midnight!". But while he might have said it on the SME Earth in our world it's from someone else. To quote the Lurker who brought it to my attention: "It's from a rather odd cookbook entitled "Domesticity: A Gastronomic Interpretation of Love," by Bob Shacochis; Chapter 12, "How Green was my Gullet." Thanks to Sam Ashley for developing very detailed Dark Kingdom cuisine from a few throwaway mentions in my DKR stories. As well as the Wixxelgate incident and the City of Jade (see "Encyclopedia Metallia" for more info.) "The weed of crime bears bitter fruit" was a catch phrase associated with Walter Gibson's, "The Shadow". So was "Who know what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!" Thanks to everyone on the SME list for all the weird inspirations and a lot of fun. Check out the SME homepage at -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timeline for the events mentioned in this story 2010-2015 Great Darkness - DKR return to Earth towards the end of this period 2015 Creation of Crystal Tokyo/End of Great Darkness 2016 Serenity summons DKR. Azurite and Pyrite depart CT. Sailor Polaris added to Senshi roster, Calcite elevated to Lord Calcite. 2017 Marriage of Minako and Calcite. Reawakening of Ferrite/Trenchcoat Mask. 2019 Serenity arranges for Calcite and Minako to conceive a child 2020 Birth of Aino Kimeko 2020-2100 Petition Serenity to enable them to have more children. Births spread throughout this period. Towards the end first cracks appearing in marriage. Suppressed for sake of their latest child. Last child of this marriage reaches age of majority and moves out. 2100-2110 Marriage deteriorating. Slowly at first but accelerating towards the end of this period. 2110 Fighting in public rather than behind closed doors 2110-2112 Attempts by various friends & family to reconcile them with limited success. 2113 Calcite and Minako pledge fresh start. On the surface all appears well. Privately agree no more children until they're sure everything's stable. 2118 Public fighting frequent but still sticking together. 2120 Azurite and Pyrite return to CT & marry. Pyrite joins CTU faculty. Azurite enrolls in CTU in Anthropology PhD program 2123 Divorce of Calcite and Minako. Followed shortly by the sparring incident and Serenity's intervention. 2125 Azurite receives PhD. Offered and accepts post at CTU. Calcite revives Gray identity and departs CT 2126 Azurite rewrites thesis for the popular market as "Kingdom of Darkness." 2145 Calcite returns to Crystal Tokyo 2147 Minako and Calcite observed together on occasion 2149 Minako and Calcite observed together frequently 2150 Second Marriage of Calcite and Minako 2151 Birth of Aino Hiroshi, first child of second marriage